SMART Talks & Education

Intersection of AI and Space Science and student outreach programs in NOAA

SMART Talk by Rob Redmond on February 2023

Overview of Japanese Magnetometer Network and Research

SMART Talk by Masahito Nosé on November 2022

Space Science in the Commercial Sector

From Discovery to Pioneering

SMART Talk by Jen Gannon on May 2022

Overview of USGS Goemagnetism 

Operations and Research

SMART Talk by Josh Rigler on March 2022

An introduction to space weather and affordable commercial magnetometers for citizen science. 

SMART Educational Event in April 2021

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Starting from June 2020, the Surface Magnetic Assessment in Real Time (SMART) Network aims to form an array of 14 UCLA ground-based magnetometer stations across the US. The project science objective is focused on using magnetic field measurements for magnetoseismic investigations, and these ground-based magnetometer data will also be useful for the public to study a wide variety of geospace science topics.

Broader impacts include training students in magnetic field measurements and geospace science, providing outreach activities to schools hosting SMART systems, and providing SMART magnetometer data collected in the contiguous US to the public.

On our Youtube page, you can find recordings of educational events related to space weather, magnetometer usage, and other science topics, as well as recordings of our monthly SMART Talks with featured speakers.